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Embracing Focus: The Art of Mastery in Small Business
In the fast-paced world of small business, owners often face the pressure to wear multiple hats, be it in marketing, product development, customer service, or

Washington’s Small Business Scene: A Deep Dive into the Latest Statistics
Small businesses are the backbone of any economy, and Washington is no exception. With its thriving tech industry, dynamic startup scene, and diverse array of

Time for New Year’s resolutions, right? Wrong!
Time for New Year’s resolutions, right? Wrong! Just like setting health and fitness goals or making resolutions at the end of or beginning of a

IRS gets significant increase in budget
For some of you, this might be seen as no news at best and even possibly as bad news. Don’t like giving the bad guys

How the Tax Reform Has Affected Small Business Accounting
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act is the first significant tax reform in over thirty years, and it affects everyone. Business owners, freelancers, employees, and

Top 5 reasons why your team building isn’t working: And one tool to fix it
U.S. companies spent over 1.5 million dollars last year on Team Events hoping to build a sense of community and make systematic issues in their
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